This is my guardian 'Takiya' who has raised me from a pup.Though my lifes' journey has been a rough one, he has never left my side. I dedicate this page to him, my guardian, my teacher, my friend, my alpha.
Wolf is the pathfinder of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. Wolf takes one mate for life and is loyal like Dog. If you were to keep company with Wolves, you would find an enormous sense of family within the pack, as well as a strong individualistic urge. These qualities make Wolf very much like the human race. As humans, we also have the ability to be a part of society and yet still embody our individual dreams and ideas.
In the Great Star nation, Wolf is represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which legend tells us was the original home of our teachers in ancient times. Sirius was thought to be the home of the Gods by the ancient Egyptians, and is still considered so by the Dogan tribe in Africa. It stands to reason that Native American people would formulate this same sonnection and adopt Wolf people as the clan teachers.
The senses of Wolf are very keen, and the moon is its power ally. The moon is the symbol forPsychic energy, or the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Baying at the moon may be an indication of Wolf's desire to connect with new ideas which are just below the surface of consciousness. Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the Great Mystery and life
If Wolf has entered your life, you may be ableto share your personal medicine with others. Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive inside you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life. It is sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humanity will attain new heights. Wolf could also be telling you to seek out lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. In the aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you may find the true you. Look for teachings no matter where you are. Wolf would not come to you unless you requested the appearance of the tribe's greatest teacher.
***************************************************************** Wolf taken from "The Discovery of Power Through The Ways of Animals" by Jamie Sams & David Carson. *****************************************************************
The Wolf is the largest member of the dog family. Wolves are expert hunters and prey chiefly on large hoofed animals such as caribou, deer, elk, and moose. Many people fear wolves. They believe wolves attack human beings, and the animal's eerie howl frightens them. But wolves avoid human contact as much as possible. Almost all wolves belong to a species called the Gray Wolf. There are two chief types of gray wolves, the Timber Wolf and the Tundra Wolf. The Timber Wolf lives in wooded, subarctic regions. The tundra Wolf, also called the White wolf and the Arctic wolf, makes its home on the treeless plains of the Arctic. Some zoologists believe that there is a separate species of wolves called the Red Wolf. This animal once lived throughout the Southern States. By the mid-1980's, however, only 75 Red Wolves remained, all of them in captivity. Wolves can live in almost any climate, though they are seldom found in deserts or tropical forests. In ancient times, they roamed throughout the northern half of the world. But wherever large numbers of people settled, they destroyed wolves. As a result, wolves have disappeared from many areas. Today, most wolves live in sparsely populated northern regions, such as Alaska, Minnesota, Canada, China, and Russia. Small numbers of wolves still inhabit wilderness areas of Greece, India, Mexico, Spain, and other countries. Many people despise the wolf because it kills other animals. Wolves provoke farmers and ranchers by destroying livestock such as sheep, cows, and other such animals. Many hunters dislike the wolf because it kills game animals, such as antelope and deer. These hunters mistakenly think that wolves wipe out game in certain areas. It is, however, the hunters themselves who wipe out the animal populations. Folklore also has contributed to the wolf's bad reputation. In many old sayings, the animal is a symbol of badness or evil. For example, "to keep the wolf from the door" means to prevent hunger or poverty. "A wolf in sheep's clothing" describes a person who acts friendly but has evil intentions. Fables and other folk tales pass on the misleading notion that wolves attack people. In the story of Little Red Riding Hood, a wolf threatens to eat a little girl. Hatred and fear of wolves have led people to destroy large numbers of them. In the United States, organized hunts have killed thousands of wolves. Bounties (rewards) have been offered for their pelts. In the mid-1980's, from 6,000 to 10,000 wolves lived in Alaska. There were only about 1,300 wolves elsewhere in the U.S., most in Minnesota. The United States government had classified the wolf as an endangered species in every state except Alaska and Minnesota. Wolves are threatened in these states.
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North American Wolf Association
23214 Tree Bright
Spring, Texas 77373
(281) 821-4884
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