Choosing, Cleansing, and Charging Crystals

Choosing Your Crystal

All crystals need to be treated with love and respect. If they are used as a tool, do so with humility and gratitude. In choosing a crystal, it is necessary to find one that vibrates in harmony with the self and the specific purpose for which you are bringing it into your life. Like attracts like. Each human and each crystal has its own vibration. There are a number of ways to choose a crystal. Look at them, is there one that you instantly are drawn to? Feel them, move your hand over the top and feel the energies from each and see which one you are drawn to. Physical attraction - is there one that you really, really like the look of and must pick it up and feel it?

Cleansing Your Crystal

When you first get a crystal it will need cleansing because it will have picked up many energies on its way to you. There are several ways of doing this. It can be left in full sunlight for a day, also in full moonlight. running water is good, fresh water, rivers, streams. Visualization of the crystal in a mountain stream, or flooded with white light, is also a very good way. All your crystals must be cleansed be they quartz or gemstones. I do not recommend using salt to cleanse them with as many books suggest. Salt is crystalline. If you look at your crystals, you may see very minute cracks. If a piece of salt goes into that crack and stays there, it could crack the crystal.

Charging Your Crystal

Crystals need to be charged up, somewhat like a car battery. You can do this by sitting in a quiet spot and still your mind. Think clearly what you want the crystal to hold. Take a deep breath, holding the crystal in your left hand, and blow your intention onto the crystal. Remember, quartz crystals are the only crystals you can program as the colored stones have their own innate programs. You can also charge your crystal with your wand. Cast your circle and take your wand, opoint it at the crystal and flood your intentions into it.

Crystal and Gemstone Properties

Many people use crystals and gems in their spiritual work. The list below is not exhaustive, but contains many of the commonly used cryastals and gems.

******************************************************************************** Agate: A variety of chalcedony. Tones and strengthens body/mind. Imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilities ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding but energetic. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.


Amber: Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influence on endocrine system, spleen, heart. Healing, soothing, harmonizing. Electrically alive with solidified golden light. Stabilizes kundalini awakening. Activates altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. Chakras: navel, solar plexes, crown.


Amethyst: A variety of quartz. Strengthens endoctrine and immune systems. Helps mental disorders. Purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness. Transmute one's lower nature into the more highly refined aspects of their higher self. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Balances the intellect. Also a good sobriety crystal.


Bloodstone: A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens and oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances physical/mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron defenciences. Reduces emotional/mental stress. Powerful physical healer. Stimulates movement of Kundalini. Links root chakra with heart. inner guidence, altruism, idealism. A highly evolved mineral. Chakras: root, heart.


Calcite: Aids kidneys, pancreas, spleen. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear, reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. Grounds excess energy. Increases capacity for astral projection. Joy, lightness. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color.


Citrine: A variety quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical/emotional mental bodies. Enhances body's healing-energy. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self esteem. Powerful alignment with Higher Self. Light- heartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance. Chakras: navel, crown.


Fluorite: Stregthens teeth and bones. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for the blood vessels and spleen. Grounds exess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates inner- dimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with chakras according to color of stone.


Garnet: Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Has strong affinity with root chakra, helping to harmonize the potent forces of kundilini. Stimulates pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Love, compassion. Enhances imagination. Chakra: root, heart.


Hematite: Has positive effect upon bloodstream. Activates spleen. Increases resistance to stress. Helps circulate oxygen throughout body. Strengthens physical/etheric bodies. Energizing, vitalizing. Enhances personal magnatism, optimism, will, courage. Slightly grounding. Powerful to those attracted to it.


Jade: Strengthens heart, kidneys, immune system. Helps cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing. Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to color of stone.


Lapis Lazuli: Strengthens skeletal systems. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Energizes throat chakra. Augments strength, vitality, virility. Facilitates opening of chakras. Mental clarity, illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with Higher Self and spirit guides. Creative-expression. Chakras: throat, third-eye.


Moonstone: has healing affinity with stomache, spleen, pancreas, pituitary gland. Unblocks lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and stress. Aids in birthing process, helps female problems. Emotional balancer; helps lessen tendency to over-react emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with Higher Self. Chakras: root.


Obsidian: Beneficially influences stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine energy. Ground spiritual energy into physical plane. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Reduces stress. Helps clear subconcious blocks. Brings an understanding of silence and "the void". Detatchment, but with wisdom and love. Powerful healer for those attuned to it. Chakra: root.


Quartz Crystal (clear): Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body, and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one's energy field and in environment. Recieves, activates, stores, transmits. and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. Enhances inter-dimensional communication with Higher Self and spirit guides. Chakras: all.


Rose Quartz: Aids kidney and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual/emotional embalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools hot temper. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Aids developement of forgiveness, compassion, love. Chakras: heart.


Sapphire: Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates pituitary glands, thereby aiding entire glandular system. Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities, clarity and inspiration. Creative expression, loyalty, love. Aids connection with Higher Self and spirit guides. Strengthens will. Expands cosmic awareness. Dispels confusion. Excellent for meditation. Chakras: throat, third-eye.


Tigers Eye: Variety of chalcedony. Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, colon. Emotional balancer. Enhances connection with personal power and will. Grounding, centering. Helps soften stubborness. Enhances clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy. Chakras: navel, solar plexes.


Tourmalinated Quartz: Clear quartz with black tourmaline crystals inside. Balances male/female polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective, dissipates negativity. Combines forces of clear quartz and black tourmaline. Chakras: root, crown.


Turquoise: Tones, strengthens entire body. Tissue regeneration. Aids circulation, lungs, respritory system. Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Creative expression, piece of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, loyalty. Chakra: throat.


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